Composite Epoxy Materials 1 (CEM-1) is still popular in the Printed Circuit Board (PCB) industry. Despite the proliferation of other types of PCB materials, CEM-1 is undoubtedly one of the best materials you can use to design your circuit boards.
Several manufacturers still use this type of PCB material to produce circuit boards and we are sure you want to hire their services. That informs the reason why we put together this article to help you understand everything about CEM-1 as a PCB material, as well as the manufacturers that will design the board for you.
What Is CEM-1 PCB Material?
The first thing you need to understand is the meaning of CEM-1 in the circuit board manufacturing process.
First, we need to understand the general overview of Composite Epoxy Material (CEM), which is the major material that is considered.
Composite Epoxy Material (CEM) is a group of composite materials that are typically produced from woven glass fabric surfaces. Also, the production of the materials includes the combination of a non-woven glass core with epoxy synthetic resin.
On the other hand, CEM-1 is a composite material that is placed on a cellulose basis whereby the only layer of the material (usually a glass fiber laminate, FR-4) is placed on the surface.
CEM-1 materials are also common in Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) that use paper cellulose, and two layers of woven glass fabric. Those are then mixed with epoxy, which serves as the substrate material.
Identifying CEM-1 PCB materials is easy because the materials have distinct colors, which are milky yellow or milky white.
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Who Is the Best CEM-1 PCB Manufacturer?
Of course, you shouldn’t expect any circuit board manufacturer to discredit their services. So, there are many ‘’best’’ CEM-1 PCB manufacturers out there, but only a few of them can live up to the occasion when the need arises.
We want your next CEM-1 PCB job to be successful. And the success of the design starts with identifying the manufacturer that can provide the right type of service.
Never to worry – we have done the entire job for you by picking out 4 major CEM-1 PCB manufacturers that we have followed their mode of service delivery for a while. In no particular order, here are the leading CEM-1 manufacturers that you can rely on any time, any day:
1. Ray PCB 
Rayming Technology (Ray PCB) is our #1 CEM-1 PCB manufacturer, and it is rightly so because they deal with most aspects of circuit board production. Besides, CEM-1 PCB consumers have lots of testimonies on the efficiency of their service, and that is something you are looking for too.
Why Ray PCB Should Design Your CEM-1 PCB
Ray PCB is no doubt, one of the best circuit board manufacturers that will manufacture your CEM-1 PCB without compromising the quality of the board.
Here are some of the reasons why you want to hire them for your next CEM-1 PCB design:
Single Layer PCB Production
The first reason why Ray PCB is a reliable CEM-1 PCB manufacturer is that they efficiently manufacture single layer circuit boards.
Already, the design of the CEM-1 circuit board makes it simpler for PCB designers to manufacture single-sided circuit boards, and that is what Ray PCB does for you.
Controlled Costs of Production
Ray PCB also does a great job of reducing the costs of manufacturing CEM-1 circuit boards.
The manufacturer does that by designing single-sided circuit boards that do not cost as much as the other types of Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) do.
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2. Venture Electronics
Do you want to manufacture your next CEM-1 circuit boards in China? Venture Electronics is the manufacturer you want to hire to do the job for you because they are one of the leading manufacturers of CEM-1 PCBs in China.
If you want Venture Electronics to design and manufacture CEM-1 circuit boards for you, here are some of the benefits you will enjoy from the services they offer:
No Minimum Orders
If you have been forced to order more circuit boards than you wanted, it is because the PCB manufacturer cum supplier has a stringent order requirement. You may be asked to order a minimum of 50 pieces of the circuit board.
That isn’t the case when you allow Venture Electronics to design your CEM-1 PCBs. The manufacturer doesn’t place a premium on the number of circuit boards you can order. Instead, you are allowed to order for CEM-1 circuit boards starting from 1 piece.
Full Turnkey CEM-1 Solutions
Sourcing for CEM-1 components may not only take your time but will likely cost you more money if you don’t know the type of materials to look for. If that is an issue for you, you should allow Venture Electronics to source for CEM-1 components.
The manufacturer promises to offer you full turnkey solutions in the sense that they will source and provide the complete set of materials needed for manufacturing your CEM-1 Printed Circuit Board (PCB).
Expedited Prototype Services
Prototypes are meant to show you how the outcome of the circuit board will look like. You can make changes or provide more specifications needed for bolstering the production of the circuit board.
Venture Electronics assures you of the fastest CEM-1 prototyping services via their 24-hour maximum timeframe for producing prototypes.
3. Well-Tech PCB
Well-Tech PCB is another force to reckon with in the CEM-PCB 1 manufacturing niche because of their excellent service delivery.
They are not experts in the field, but they also go the extra mile to provide strong diversity, high reliability, expert advice, and competitive costs of manufacturing CEM-1 circuit boards.
Reasons Why Well-Tech PCB Is a Reliable CEM-1 Manufacturer
Do you want to hire Well-Tech PCB to manufacture your next Composite Epoxy Material Grade 1 (CEM-1) circuit board? Here are some of the reasons why they are the best PCB manufacturer:
Custom CEM-1 PCB Production
Not all CEM1 PCB consumers will want to design the traditional models. Some other consumers may be interested in designing theirs with additional details. Is that what you want?
Well-Tech PCB will help you out with customized CEM-1 circuit boards. Their custom circuit boards are not only affordable – they also pack most of the outstanding components you look for in a circuit board.
Competitive Pricing
Well-Tech also produces CEM-1 circuit boards without charging you more than you can pay. They do because they want to help you get started with your electronic device design and because the costs of production can limit that; they decided to reduce the costs for you.
Multiple Layers
Well-Tech also goes beyond the traditional design of just 2 layers at most. Instead, they manufacture multiple layers of up to 4 layers of circuit boards.
4. Rapid Circuit
To put a wrap to the list of CEM-1 PCB manufacturers, we have Rapid Circuit on our list. As the name suggests, this circuit board manufacturer thrives in the production of Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) in the shortest time possible.
Aside from the faster lead and production timeframes, Rapid Circuit also has several innovative features that make them one of the best and reliable CEM-1 circuit board manufacturers you can find out there.
Here are some of the reasons why Rapid Circuit is the favorite of CEM-1 PCB consumers:
Multilayer PCB Design
Rapid Circuit does a great job of manufacturing multiple layers of Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs). The multilayer design of their CEM-1 circuit boards makes them one of the best manufacturers out there because they can produce multiple layers of the circuit board for you.
PCB Clone Services
You may have come across some Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) designed with Composite Epoxy Material Grade 1 (CEM).
You find them attractive and you want to manufacture one too, but you are not sure if it is possible. Well, worry no more because Rapid Circuit will handle all that for you via their PCB Clone services that the exact design of the circuit board you want to be produced for you.
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Why Do PCB Consumers Like CEM-1 PCBs?
Are you wondering why Composite Epoxy Material Grade 1 (CEM-1) is still popular and used in the Printed Circuit Board (PCB) industry up to today? You are not the only one that is surprised, because it is assumed that the material must have been discarded long ago.
CEM-1 is still a standard material for the production of Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) because of the many advantages it has. Here are some of them:
1. CEM-1 Supports Multiple PCB Components
The first advantage of this type of PCB material is the stability that creates room for the support of multiple PCB components.
Because of the sturdiness of the board, manufacturers wouldn’t find it difficult to mount the necessary components needed for the production of CEM-1 PCBs.
2. CEM-1 Excellently Supports Single-Layer Circuit Boards
Single-layer circuit board production is now simpler because of the excellent support provided by the material towards the production of single layers that are lighter in weight.
3. Manufacturing Bulk Products is Now Easier
You can now manufacture products in bulk provided you are using the CEM-1 material that enables that.
The idea here is to help you produce multiple products without compromising on their quality or spending more money than you budgeted. Some of the bulk products that can be manufactured using CEM-1 include, but are not limited to:
- Solid State Drive (SSD)
- Calculators
- Remote control
- Radio and
- Printers
4. Energy Storage is Better Managed
Heat dissipation is one problem that can have adverse effects on a circuit board like CEM-1. So, it makes sense that there is a better way to manage energy, as well as the transfer of (excess) heat from the circuit board.
First, circuit boards manufactured with CEM-1 materials have a cab store for electric energy.
Second, the circuit board has a good glass transition temperature that provides a good balance between heat-dissipating performance and the manufacturing process of LED lighting.
5. CEM-1 Materials Reduce the Cost of Manufacturing Circuit Boards
Have you spent a fortune in the past manufacturing Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs)? You wouldn’t spend that much again because CEM-1 materials help to reduce the costs of manufacturing circuit boards.
That is achieved by the coating of only one side of the circuit board with copper. Also, the coating doesn’t in any way reduce the efficiency of the circuit board because it still has good conducting characteristics.
6. CEM-1 PCBs Compete with FR-4 Materials
Flame Retardant Level 4 (FR-4) materials have been in use for many years, and that is because of the excellent properties they have.
As much as FR-4 materials are still in use, it appears that CEM-1 9 (which was assumed to be in relegation) is a fierce competitor to the FR-4 materials.
That is because CEM-1 circuit boards can conveniently attain/achieve the same level of electrical and mechanical properties as the FR-4 materials do.
Therefore, it is safe to posit that Composite Epoxy Material Grade 1 (CEM-1) can be used in place of the Flame Retardant Level 4 (FR-4) in some cases.
When Can CEM-1 PCBs Be Used?
So, what are some of the applications or products that CEM-1 circuit boards can be used? Here are some of them:
1. Computers
The major reason why computers are part of the applications or products that use CEM-1 circuit boards is that the board conveniently reduces heat. And because computers emit more energy and are sensitive to heat, it makes sense that their circuit boards are made of CEM-1 materials.
Some of the computer components that are manufactured with CEM-1 Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) include:
- Computer power devices
- Central Processing Units (CPUs) and
- Floppy drives
2. CEM-1 PCBs are Used in the Production of LED Lighting
LED lighting products are also manufactured using CEM-1 circuit boards. Some of them include:
- Break lights
- Headlights and
- Indicators
3. Surgical Equipment
Tools used for surgeries are also manufactured with CEM-1 circuit boards. Medical scanning technology is also a part of the tools manufactured with the CEM-1 LED circuit board.
The use cases of Composite Epoxy Material Grade 1 (CEM-1) are many. That shows that the materials therein are useful, and can make circuit boards better.
Contact us with the specifications of your CEM-1 circuit boards so we can offer you the best expert advice and manufacture circuit boards that will withstand heat while being efficient.
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